Letter of Institution of a Minister
N.N., Presbyter of the Church of God, you have been called to work
together with your Bishop and fellow-Presbyters as a pastor, priest, and
teacher, and to take your share in the councils of the Church.
Now, in accordance with the Canons, you have been selected to serve
God in ________________ Church [of] ______________.
This letter is a sign that you are fully empowered and authorized to
exercise this ministry, accepting its privileges and responsibilities as a
priest of this Diocese, in communion with your Bishop.
Having committed yourself to this work, do not forget the trust of those
who have chosen you. Care alike for young and old, strong and weak,
rich and poor. By your words, and in your life, proclaim the Gospel. Love
and serve Christ's people. Nourish them, and strengthen them to glorify
God in this life and in the life to come.
May the Lord, who has given you the will to do these things, give you the
grace and power to perform them.
Given under my hand and seal, in the city of _______________,
on the _______ day of _______________, 19_________________, and in
the __________ year of my consecration.
(Signed) _________________
Bishop of __________________.