This service provides for the dedication and consecration of a church and
its furnishings. Portions of the service may be used, or adapted when
necessary, for dedicating parts of a building, or furnishings, that have been
added, altered, or renovated. Likewise, suitable parts of this rite may be
used for dedicating a chapel or an oratory within another building.
Provisions for adapting the rite to special circumstances are given on
This service may be used to dedicate and consecrate a church at any time
after the building is ready for use as a place of worship.
The service does not preclude the use of the building for educational or
social purposes, or for other suitable activities.
The bishop presides. The rector or minister in charge takes part as
indicated. Neighboring ministers should be invited to participate, and
may be assigned appropriate parts in the service.
It is desirable that all members of the congregation, young and old,
have some individual or collective part in the celebration, as well as the
architect, builders, musicians, artists, benefactors, and friends.
For a church or chapel long in use, a special order is provided on page 577.
Additional Directions are on page 575.
566 Consecration of a Church