Concerning the Service

This Order provides a form of evening service or vespers for use on
suitable occasions in the late afternoon or evening. It may be used as a
complete rite in place of Evening Prayer, or as the introduction to
Evening Prayer or some other service, or as the prelude to an evening
meal or other activity. It is appropriate also for use in private houses.

Any part or parts of this service may be lead by lay persons. A priest or
deacon, when presiding, should read the Prayer for Light, and the
Blessing or Dismissal at the end. The bishop, when present, should give
the Blessing.

This order is not appropriate for use on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday
in Holy Week, or on Good Friday. Easter Eve has its own form for the
Lighting of the Paschal Candle.

For the Short Lesson at the beginning of the service, any one of the
following is also appropriate, especially for the seasons suggested:

Isaiah 60:19-20 (Advent)
Luke 12:35-37 (Advent)
John 1:1-5 (Christmas)
Isaiah 60:1-3 (Epiphany)
1 John 1:5-7 (Lent)
John 12:35-36a (Lent)
Revelation 21:10,22-24 (Easter)
Psalm 36:5-9 (Ascension)
Joel 2:28-30 (Whitsunday)
Colossians 1:9,11-14 (Saints' Days)
1 Peter 2:9 (Saints' Days)
Revelation 22:1,4-5 (Saints' Days)

Any of the prayers in contemporary language may be adapted to
traditional language by changing the pronouns and the corresponding

Additional Directions are on page 142.

108    Order for Evening