The Proper of the Church Year includes the appointed Collects; the
Proper Prefaces, directions for which are to be found in the pages
following; and the appointed Psalms and Lessons, which appear in tables
beginning on page 889.
The Proper appointed for the Sunday is also used at celebrations of the
Eucharist on the weekdays following, unless otherwise ordered for Holy
Days and Various Occasions.
The Proper to be used on each of the Sundays after Pentecost (except for
Trinity Sunday) is determined by the calendar date of that Sunday. Thus,
in any year, the Proper for the Sunday after Trinity Sunday (the Second
Sunday after Pentecost) is the numbered Proper (number 3 through
number 8), the calendar date of which falls on that Sunday, or is closest
to it, whether before or after. Thereafter, the Propers are used
consecutively. For example, if the Sunday after Trinity Sunday is May 26,
the sequence begins with Proper 3 (Propers 1 and 2 being used on the
weekdays of Pentecost and Trinity weeks). If the Sunday after Trinity
Sunday is June 13, the sequence begins with Proper 6 (Propers 1 through
3 being omitted that year, and Propers 4 and 5 being used in Pentecost
and Trinity weeks). See also the Table on pages 884-885.
The Collect appointed for any Sunday or other Feast may be used at the
evening service of the day before.
Directions concerning the Common of Saints and services for Various
Occasions are on pages 195, 199, 246 and 251.
158 Collects: Traditional