1. | For Joy in God's Creation | |
2. | For all Sorts and Conditions of Men | |
3. | For the Human Family | |
4. | For Peace | |
5. | For Peace among the Nations | |
6. | For our Enemies |
7. | For the Church | |
8. | For the Mission of the Church | |
9. | For Clergy and People | |
10. | For the Diocese | |
11. | For the Parish | |
12. | For a Church Convention or Meeting | |
13. | For the Election of a Bishop or other Minister | |
14. | For the Unity of the Church | |
15. | For those about to be Baptized or to renew their Baptismal Covenant |
16. | For Monastic Orders and Vocations | |
17. | For Church Musicians and Artists | |
Prayers for the Ordained Ministry are on pages 205 and 256. |
18. | For our Country | |
19. | For the President of the United States and all in Civil Authority |
20. | For Congress or a State Legislature | |
21. | For Courts of Justice | |
22. | For Sound Government |
810 Prayers and Thanksgivings
23. | For Local Government | |
24. | For an Election | |
25. | For those in the Armed Forces of our Country | |
26. | For those who Suffer for the sake of Conscience |
27. | For Social Justice | |
28. | In Times of Conflict | |
29. | For Agriculture | |
30. | For the Unemployed | |
31. | For Schools and Colleges | |
32. | For the Good Use of Leisure | |
33. | For Cities | |
34. | For Towns and Rural Areas | |
35. | For the Poor and Neglected | |
36. | For the Oppressed | |
37. | For Prisons and Correctional Institutions | |
38. | For the Right Use of God's Gifts | |
39. | For those who Influence Public Opinion | |
Prayers for Industry and Labor are on pages 208, 210, 259, and 261. |
40. | For Knowledge of God's Creation | |
41. | For the Conservation of Natural Resources | |
42. | For the Harvest of Lands and Waters | |
43. | For Rain | |
44. | For the Future of the Human Race |
Prayers for Family and Personal Life
45. | For Families | |
46. | For the Care of Children | |
47. | For Young Persons | |
48. | For Those Who Live Alone | |
49. | For the Aged |
Prayers and Thanksgivings 811
50. | For a Birthday | |
51. | For a Birthday | |
52. | For the Absent | |
53. | For Travelers | |
54. | For those we Love | |
55. | For a Person in Trouble or Bereavement | |
56. | For the Victims of Addiction | |
57. | For Guidance | |
58. | For Guidance | |
59. | For Quiet Confidence | |
60. | For Protection | |
61. | A Prayer of Self-Dedication | |
62. | A Prayer attributed to St. Francis | |
Prayers for the sick are on pages 458-461. | ||
Prayers for the dying are on pages 462-465. | ||
Prayers for the dead are on pages 202,253,487, and 503. |
63. | In the Evening | |
64. | Before Worship | |
65. | For the Answering of Prayer | |
66. | Before Receiving Communion | |
67. | After Receiving Communion | |
68. | After Worship | |
69. | On Sunday | |
70. | Grace at Meals | |
Prayers for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and for morning and evening are on pages 56, 69, 98, and 123. |
General Thanksgivings
1. | A General Thanksgiving | |
2. | A Litany of Thanksgiving |
812 Prayers and Thanksgivings
The General Thanksgivings is on pages 58 and 101. |
3. | For the Mission of the Church | |
4. | For the Saints and Faithful Departed |
Thanksgivings for National Life
5. | For the Nation | |
6. | For Heroic Service |
Thanksgivings for the Social Order
7. | For the Diversity of Races and Cultures |
Thanksgivings for the Natural Order
8. | For the Beauty of the Earth | |
9. | For the Harvest |
Thanksgivings for Family and Personal Life
10. | For the Gift of a Child | |
11. | For the Restoration of Health | |
Thanksgivings for the departed are on pages 487-489 and 503-504. | ||
The term "Various Occasions" in the following pages refers to the numbered Collects beginning on pages 199 and 251. |
Prayers and Thanksgivings 813