(The Certificate 1979)
(The Certificate 2007)
The Ratification of the Book of Common Prayer 8
The Preface 9
Concerning the Service of the Church 13
The Calendar of the Church Year 15
The Daily Office
Daily Morning Prayer: Rite One 37
Daily Evening Prayer: Rite One 61
Daily Morning Prayer: Rite Two 75
Noonday Prayer 103
Order of Worship for the Evening 108
Daily Evening Prayer: Rite Two 115
Compline 127
Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families 137
Table of Suggested Canticles 144
The Collects: Traditional
Seasons of the Year 159
Holy Days 185
Common of Saints 195
Various Occasions 199
The Collects: Contemporary
Seasons of the Year 211
Holy Days 237
Common of Saints 246
Various Occasions 251
Proper Liturgies for Special Days
Ash Wednesday 264
Palm Sunday 270
Maundy Thursday 274
Good Friday 276
Holy Saturday 283
The Great Vigil of Easter 285
The Holy Eucharist
An Exhortation 316
A Penitential Order: Rite One 319
The Holy Eucharist: Rite One 323
A Penitential Order: Rite Two 351
The Holy Eucharist: Rite Two 355
Prayers of the People 383
Communion under Special Circumstances 396
An Order for Celebrating the Holy Eucharist 400
Pastoral Offices
Confirmation 413
A Form of Commitment to Christian Service 420
Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage 423
The Blessing of a Civil Marriage 433
An Order for Marriage 435
Thanksgiving for the Birth or Adoption of a Child 439
Reconciliation of a Penitent 447
Ministration to the Sick 453
Ministration at the Time of Death 462
Burial of the Dead: Rite One 469
Burial of the Dead: Rite Two 491
An Order for Burial 506
Episcopal Services
Ordination of a Bishop 511
Ordination of a Priest 525
Ordination of a Deacon 537
Litany for Ordinations 548
Celebration of a New Ministry 557
Consecration of a Church or Chapel 567
The Psalter, or Psalms of David 585
An Outline of the Faith, or Catechism 845
Historical Documents of the Church 864
(including the Articles of Religion)
Tables for Finding the Date of Easter and other Holy Days 880
The Lectionary 888
Year A 889
Year B 900
Year C 911
Holy Days 921
Common of Saints 925
Various Occasions 927
The Revised Common Lectionary 888
Year A 889
Year B 901
Year C 911
Holy Days 921
Common of Saints 925
Various Occasions 927
Daily Office Lectionary 934
Seasons of the Year 936
(Advent 936)
(Christmas 940)
(Epiphany 942)
(Lent 952)
(Easter 958)
(The Season after Pentecost 966)
Holy Days 996
Special Occasions 1000